This week, the creatives of Izoa still offer you one of the most original work, for a sensational decoration, which stands out and offers you the possibility of making your interior a real art gallery. Graphic wallpaper Trum the eye Izoa surprising, fun and atypical, this extraordinary creation is incomparable. She stages an astronaut, sitting on the bowl in public toilets, the open door and a journal in her hands. The fact that this decor represents public toilets is already an unexpected and striking point, which surprises at first. Indeed, which would voluntarily install in its interior a wallpaper illustrating toilets, public more? If this concept would not come to the idea of most of us, well not missed, our creatives have thought about it! Although the place is not very glamorous, and this by definition since it is normally devoted to the relief of bodily excrement from which we pass the details, our team still took care to develop a pleasant environment, far from hostile public toilets, often unsanitary and even sometimes glaucous with which we can face. If the majority of us will agree that going to relieve ourselves in public toilets is generally a dreaded moment, especially when we take a break on a highway area for example, the cabinets of this wallpaper , at the doors customized like street art offer an accommodating and completely suitable framework. Another Saugrenu detail, the presence of an astronaut sitting on the throne, the door wide open, offering us a view of choice on the interior of the cabin, in which he quietly reads a newspaper as if nothing had happened. Although we are aware that space missions are far from rest and that everyone has the right to give a moment of respite, it is difficult to understand what this browser of the space makes Sitting on the basin, still dressed in his work combination. Well, let’s say that after a long time to endure a heterogeneous and multicultural team in a confined space, to undergo intense physical solicitations and enormous pressure, this astronaut gives a small well -deserved land stopover. The toilets being the privileged place to enjoy a little intimacy without fear of an untimely interruption due to the personal aspect, almost sacred of the place, there is no better place to lounge calm! This graphic wallpaper trompe l’oeil with colorful visual is therefore particularly interesting and the fact that the scene takes place in toilets is not an excuse to denigrate it, especially because of their impeccable cleanliness. In addition, the luminosity of the place will bring clarity to your interior, as if the neon lights in dazzling white light lit your wall. With the fully tagged toilets of the toilet and even a few pieces of tiles that have not been spared, this decor also evokes street art and its famous graffiti, which is characterized by all forms of art made in the street or in a public space. Often described as vandalism because of its rather illegal nature, street art is a means of artistic expression like another, particularly pleasant when it is not motivated by the expression of hate messages. This wallpaper is therefore similar to an urban and modern creation, which we can even qualify as design thanks to its innovative character and its contemporary and extraordinary aesthetic. Papier-Paint-Graphique-Escale-Terrestre-Izoa It will be perfect for those who are looking for an unprecedented wall decoration, which stands out and notice. In a room, embellished with accessories in the same style for an urban atmosphere, it will be distinguished from everything you have seen so far. In a living room, accompanied by Izoa paintings in a similar genre, or on the wall of your toilet or at the bottom of a corridor in fact trompe l’oeil, this wallpaper will not go unnoticed. Composed of colorful and animated patterns, it will energize your space in addition bringing an illusion of depth and its realism will give you the impression that the drawings have been made in your wall. The colors are easy to match, so you can integrate it into any atmosphere, without worrying about concordance of colors with your furniture and decorative items. Nevertheless, elements of electric blue color or in mauve or green shades which will recall certain patterns of the work will make it possible to enhance it and to establish a certain harmony in your interior. Thanks to a tailor -made printing and according to your dimensions, you have the possibility of installing this creation wherever you want, by covering an entire wall or by opting for a more discreet format which will decorate a very specific place of Your room according to your taste. The installation is also facilitated. Published on a textile coating, our wallpaper is very easily posed as an intimate wallpaper, gliding the wall.
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