Imagine yourself diving serenely into the arms of Morpheus. Sleep peacefully like a baby and wake you up in great shape, ready to face the day that awaits you … A sweet dream that could come true! The orientation of your bed in the bedroom is somehow the key! Indeed, the meaning and the position of the bedding can have a significant impact on sleep as well as on physical and mental well-being. Let’s discover this in more detail with the millennial principles of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra.
In what sense to sleep according to the principles Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra?
First, it should be noted that no scientific study has so far established a direct link between a particular position of the bed and better general health. That said, many sleepers worldwide have found specific advantages. Certain guidelines towards a cardinal point would promote falling asleep and the quality of sleep.
According to countries, beliefs and religions, the question of divided orientation. The two major references in the field are Feng Shui, rather widespread in Europe, and Vastu Shastra (Branch of Ayurveda). The first is an ancient Chinese practice aimed at finding balance in daily life. The second, the science of Indian architecture, focuses on energy and harmony.
These two philosophies agree that the way of installing and positioning your bed is important. Although they sometimes share the same opinion concerning the choice of the cardinal point, they are not always unanimous. Let us see how these differences manifest concretely!
Sleep your head to the north or south?
Don’t lose course! Follow the recommendations of Chinese and Indian doctrines.
Orient your bed to the south: the best position
The followers of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra are formal: sleeping the head in the south is beneficial. According to them, our head, turned north, has a polar attraction. Orienting your bed to the south would then attract opposites, the opposite pole. We would thus be in line with the Earth’s magnetic field. This alummy or harmonious combination of the opposite agreements would induce deep sleep and breathe energy into the body. Especially since, according to these doctrines, the hot winds from the South are carrying a positive and dynamic energy.
Feng shui, however, advises against this direction to people aspiring in peace or in search of appeasement.
Sleep your head to the north: a recommended position
The two doctrines agree again on a position: the North would be not recommended, due to the terrestrial magnetic attraction.
Indeed, if the head points to the north, the north pole of the body and the earth would be in confrontation. Energies would repel continuously. As we have seen previously, the attraction of opposites produces a positive effect. But the attraction of pairs is harmful. Harmony between body and mind would be disturbed. Doctor Robert Svoboda, famous doctor and practitioner of Ayurveda, said «sleeping with his head north drains the energy out of the body, disturbing body-spirit integration».
This incessant war would cause sleep disorders with repeated nightmares. The sleeper would tend to experience a more pronounced discomfort. It would also be more irritable or frustrated and would develop emotional instability. Sleeping your head to the north would even affect blood circulation.
The Hindu custom is still opposed to this position due to a spiritual belief advancing that only the dead sleep with their heads to the north.
West or East: What is the best orientation for the bed?
West or East, what about sleep quality?
East bed orientation: an excellent position
Another cardinal point on which feng shui and vastu shastra get along!
Sleeping east would promote: memory, concentration, relaxation, good health.
This direction would be the most stimulating. She would also bring out our ambition and desire to progress, perfect for young workers at the start of their career. Are you about to convert, to change your life? You also have every interest in installing your bed in the East!
Orientation of the bed to the west: an acceptable position
West is a neutral orientation. According to the two principles, it has advantages, such as appeasement and serenity. This direction is associated with satisfaction and contentment. It therefore meets good conditions for a restful sleep.
However, for Feng Shui, contentment can bring laziness, procrastination or lack of motivation with it. The West is not recommended when you have objectives to be achieved.
According to certain beliefs, it would also promote glory and prosperity. Then orient your bed to the west, once your professional career is well established.
The good position of the bed in a bedroom
There are no good or bad locations of the bed, with the exception of the north, where the two disciplines seem to highlight only drawbacks.
Choose the position according to your needs and expectations. Test different orientations and note the benefits on your health!
If you want to follow the recommendations of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, start by directing your bed to the south, then the east and finally the west.
The calculation of the kua figure to avoid the poor guidance of the bed
You can also calculate your Kua figure. Feng shui recommends the use of this method to determine the ideal position of the sleeper in the bedroom.
This figure is calculated according to your date of birth (depending on the Chinese calendar) as well as your gender.
Here is the best orientation according to your Kua figure:
- For figure 1, 3, 4, 9: East.
- For figure 2, 6, 7, 8: west.
For more information, see this article dedicated to the Kua figure. According to the principles of Feng Shui and Ayurveda, the quality of sleep is not just the orientation of the bed. The environment also plays an important role. Make your bedroom a cozy and ordered room. Promote the refined style, and bet on empty spaces to circulate energy. Finally, invest in Sobréal quality bedding, and treat yourself to restorative sleep nights.
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