We are fortunate to receive photos regularly from you, you who trust us. Indeed, once, your table frame has been received, you offer us the honor to be able to visualize this one placed in your home. A big thank you therefore to Emilie, Frédéric, Laurie and Sabrina for taking the time to send us by email their photo of the painting once placed in their interior! These photos all as pretty as each other (no no, it is not the school of fans …), makes us want one day to launch a competition to win the most beautiful … Finally, idea to dig … for Thank them for their confidence, they have all received a reduction code to enter for their next purchase … If you want one you too, you know what you have to do! On your cameras!
Overview of a IZOA Table frame installed at home
Izoa Salon Salon Decorative Frame at Emilie
Emilie is one of those people who had the audacity to paint a section of black living room wall. The choice is judicious to establish a modern and design atmosphere. In addition, it confirms its originality by having chosen our tableau art Scream, perfect for lovers of contemporary art.
Rhinoceros Izoa living room wall decoration
Sabrina, also opted for an original creation, 100% Izoa but in a completely different theme. The canvas painting rhinos was chosen in its brown version, for an even warmer atmosphere.
Table for modern room Izoa at Jeremy on the way to Jeremy, who decided with this bedroom decoration table, and with her bed linen, to install a modern atmosphere, all in contrast. To bring the touch of colors in this room, a section of wall was painted green and the abstract pattern of the table frame is multicolored. New York Black and White Izoa painting at Aline for the decoration of her living room, Aline has bet for an urban atmosphere, with a black and white New York painting from our collection. Located above its black sofa, the living room decoration frame perfectly dresses, this once empty space. Modern colorful Izoa table in Leslie It is Leslie’s turn, with a modern and fresh living room wall decoration. It is true that it is a shame not to have a little more perspective on the photo, because we guess an armchair or a yellow sofa, which must have its effect, in this living room.
Table for Modern Room My Bag at Mathieu
Thank you to Mathieu for bringing us into his universe and thus allow us to discover the painting on My Bag canvas on the walls of his room. Indeed, you know some of his creations, well, here, he reveals his interior to us. The table has its effect, in a Design and modern decorationNo ? Izoa bedroom decor table at Mathieu
Large West Coast table at Serge in Spain !!!
A big thank you to Serge for the photos of our large West Coast table on the wall of his office! We are obviously always more than delighted to be able to visualize our paintings at home, through the photos that some of you, like Serge, send us for our greatest pleasure !! It is therefore with joy that we show you this photo on which our painting has perfectly found its place in the universe of Serge, which is an audiophile (not surprising when we see all the gear …) In any case, we are Very proud to have a first XXL table in Spain and hope, that there will still be many others !!! Thank you also to the company Hifiatubes which exhibits this same painting in its show room in Paris, since it is thanks to them that Serge discovered us !! Large original Izoa table posed in Spain
Izoa paintings at Past’Atitude
Thanks to Lorenzo for allowing us to be part of the decor of his pasta bar! For once, the colors of the spatula and cheese rack paintings are perfectly integrated into this acidic apple green universe. So if you are on the Salon de Provence side, do not hesitate to go and eat at Past’Attitude, located in the city center, on the Carnot course! Decoration Restaurant Modern Colorful Tables Izoa
IZOA Table Frame with Odyssée Metz
We take advantage of this post to thank the Odyssey Fitness Squash Spa of Metz center for their confidence. Indeed, some of Our paintings have the honor to be on the walls of the establishment! They have indeed chosen several paintings with red abstract patterns for the decoration of their gym. Obviously, because, nothing more energizing than the red color! So if you are from the region, do not hesitate to go to sweat a little, it can only do good when approaching sunny days … Red abstract table Izoa Deco Sports Red Tableau Izoa Decoration Salle sport
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